Loan Calculator
Partner Portal

Hello {{ firstName }} of {{ company }}, welcome to Sigma Lending.

You are currently sharing applications with group {{ group }}.

Share applications with group .

Start new application
Loading list of applications...
Existing applications
Date created
Company name
{{"en-GB") }}
{{ appl.company_name }}
{{ appl.amount.toLocaleString('en-GB', { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }) }}
{{ appl.status + (appl.status === "Submitted application" && typeof appl.dateSubmitted !== "undefined" ? " on " + appl.dateSubmitted.toLocaleDateString("en-GB") : "") }}
{{ }}
Partner Portal

Hello {{ firstName }}.
Welcome to the Partner Portal.
Go back to the .

Great news - the loan application has been approved!
Loan amount applied for: GBP {{ parseInt(application.amount.value).toLocaleString('en-GB') }}
Loan amount approved: GBP {{ parseInt(application_info.amount_approved).toLocaleString('en-GB') }}
Expected disbursement date: {{ application_info.disbursement_date ? application_info.disbursement_date.toLocaleDateString('en-GB') : '' }}
View loan documents:
 {{ }}
{{ item.comment }}
Accept application
Accepting the loan application will notify the borrower primary contact at {{ }} of the outstanding tasks on the checklist.
Reject application
You have accepted this loan proposal.
You have rejected this loan proposal.
This application has been rejected.
Additional information request
{{ request.header }}*
{{ request.description }}

E-mail open banking link to me
E-mail link to the primary borrower contact ({{ primaryBorrowerContact.first_name.value }} {{ primaryBorrowerContact.last_name.value }} - {{ }})
E-mail link to the following e-mail recipient(s):
Submit additional information to Sigma
If you are not ready to submit the additional information, you can for further editing.
Borrower information
Company name* Company number {{ application.company_number.value }}
VAT Number
Company website
Annual revenue*
Requested loan amount*
Number of full time employees*
Description of the company
Directors information
No directors information provided.
All borrower directors have been notified of the specifics of this loan application and I have obtained from
them all appropriate consents for Sigma Lending to conduct soft credit checks and KYC/AML procedures.
Financial information
Bank statements*
How do you want to send the statements to us?

E-mail open banking link to me
E-mail link to the primary borrower contact
E-mail link to the following e-mail recipient(s):
Financial accounts*
Please upload the financial accounts below:
Loan purpose*
Other documentation
Additional information already provided
{{ request.header }}*
{{ request.description }}
Submit application to Sigma
If you are not ready to submit the application, you can for further editing or completely .
Return to applications
Loan Calculator
Partner Portal

Hello {{ firstName }} of {{ company }}, welcome to Sigma Lending.

You are currently sharing applications with group {{ group }}.

Share applications with group .

Loan Calculator
Partner Portal

Hello {{ firstName }} of {{ company }}, welcome to Sigma Lending.

You are currently sharing applications with group {{ group }}.

Share applications with group .